The sky is sooooooooo beautiful tonight! I just couldn't pull myself away to come inside. It is literally a blanket of stars! While I was sitting out on my back steps tonight, these words came to my mind.
Sky of beauty, my blanket of stars
Hovers above, betwixt Earth and Mars
Millions of lights glowing tonight,
Too many to count -- oh my, what a sight!
My God has placed them, each one in it's spot
A thoughtful design, by accident it's not.
They glisten and sparkle, to my eyes a delight!
I could lie here and stare 'til morning's first light.
There's a chill in the air, a sign of soon Fall
Yet I must remain here for a moment, that's all.
To take it all in, my eyes gaze and stare
A sweet reminder of my God, Who is always there.
Why did He give me this feast for my eyes?
Just to tell me He loves me, and remind me He's mine.
What a Master Designer we serve and adore,
His hands alone created all I see and more!
I want to go in, it's getting quite cold,
Yet my heart is so warmed, I could stay 'til I'm old!
How I love the night sky and the God alone who made it
A picture like this, no other artist could create it.
Creation speaks of the One who ordered
each star and planet and galaxies unbordered
Though vast and unmeasured, they span Heaven above
Only to speak of His unending love
To me His dear child, to all here on earth
The stars all declare my God who is worth
All the praise I can speak, all the thanks I can give
For a Father above, who gives me reason to live!
Thank you God for each star in the sky
A lovely reminder of each daily "Why?"
Just because you chose, from your heart of love
to offer forgiveness and a home above
to all who receive your gift eternal
A Savior to all, and grace supernal.
My heart is grateful for all You have done,
For daily blessings and for sending your Son.
When I look at the stars You've generously scattered,
I am reminded from You of what really matters.
To acknowledge You in all that I do
To be mindful in all, that I reflect You.
Please guide me and lead me in the way I should go,
To walk in your ways, Lord, help me to know!
How I love the night sky, a million sparkles to remind me
Of a God who is faithful, and treats me so kindly!
1 comment:
I love the words. "Master designer".Big hug sent your way.
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