Thursday, January 8, 2009

Our New Blog Home

Well Friends...(and I say that with the utmost endearment), we have found a new landing spot for the beloved blog...and I am so excited about it! Here is the latest...

You know how the Bible says in Romans 8:28 that "...all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose" ? Of course, I know that is true, but I experienced it in a wonderful way this week!

When I got the email that I couldn't call my blog by that OTHER name, I was upset because in my heart I knew that I had no intention of stepping on anyone's trademarked toes, nor was I attempting to ride along on the trademarked name of an established entity... I simply wanted my blog to reflect my heart and the mission statement of my heart is HOME! It's our refuge, it's my purpose in life, it's our's where my heart is...and to be told that I legally could not express that...well, you need to fully confess my sins to y'all right here and now :-)

So I dialed those 10 little numbers that are worn off on my dear sweet...Mother? No. Friend? No. My attorney? Yep. M, bless his heart...the Keeper Of All Things Legal in my life. He laughed. Can you believe it? He laughed at the whole thing! And then we talked...about the weather, and the holidays, and business...and then...about trademarking all of my business and personal names. I don't know why, but I just thought that was funny.

And so we did. Trademark. Everything. Or at least the applications have been filed. So, you see? Progress was made and something good has come out of this.

And actually, the other nice thing about this whole deal was that I got a whole bunch of really nice emails from people I didn't even know...who I didn't know were reading the blog...who said "hey, wait a minute!" .... and that made my heart happy! I had no idea I had so many friends around the country... what a sweet surprise! Thank you for the kind words and warm wishes.

Over the last few years, the blog has been a blessing. I have met some really wonderful people and blogging has made me focus daily on the many good things in my life. Daily, we are all faced with the minute-by-minute decision to see the positive or the negative. It takes a conscious choice to magnify the good things and minimize the not-so-good things.

God is so good, isn't He? I am so grateful for the way He continues to work in my life.

So check back in a day or so and once the new blog is all set up I'll post a link. Sorry to make you have to change the address again...And hey...don't forget...the Music CD Giveaway is still going on for January. I will combine the current entries with those from the new blog after it's all set up. Remember...3 winners will be chosen at the end of the month!

Stay tuned...and thanks for hangin' in with me :-)


JeanMac said...

Yeah for you, my friend.

~*Marie*~ said...

You go girl... so glad you are not giving up on the blogging all together... and that something really good came out of it. I still think that that whole "trademark" of a simple term was really stupid but... oh well. Can't wait to see what your new name will be, and I'll go with all the changes gladly!!!!

Farmhouse Blessings said...

So glad that everything is working out for you. Be sure to let me know where you go when you move. Sometimes I'm a bit slow to getting around to visit. Life just seems to get in the way of blogging at times .... but I don't want to lose you, okay?


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